Create Your First Distribution

Before starting up with your first distribution, check the MerlinCDN Distributions section. 


To create your first distribution; follow the steps outlined below: 

Log in to the MerlinCDN Management panel. 

In the left navigation sidebar click Distributions and click Create Distribution.

  1. Select Distribution Type as either Dynamic or Static 
  2. Select Pricing Zones 
  3. Define the Origin URL (e.g. 
  4. Define the Distribution Name  
  5. Click Create Distribution 


Distribution Types 

This is the section where you can select either Static or Dynamic depending on the service that you are creating the distribution for.   

Select the correct distribution type and keep in mind Distribution Type cannot be updated later.  


Pricing Zones 

This is the section where you can select Pricing Zones. Zones refer to MerlinCDN edge server locations that will be used for your distribution. You can update Pricing Zones for your distributions later if you need to.  


Choosing a zone depending on the region most of your visitors are using your services is recommended.  

If you manage a service that is available to MENA and Europe region, you can select both Zones. This way, your visitors from MENA will get your content within the same region, while visitors from Europe will be served from MerlinCDN Europe Zone. If you select MENA only and the service is available also in Europe, visitors from Europe will get content from MerlinCDN MENA Zone.


Distribution Details 

This is the section where you can set and update; 

  1. Distribution Name 
  2. Enable / Disable HTTPS
  3. Origin Server


The origin server is the main server that contains the original versions of the content. If your Origin server URL changes, you must edit and update the Origin Server under the Settings section. If not, MerlinCDN will not be able to locate files at the previous address and cannot respond successfully to the request that is redirected to the Origin. In this scenario, MerlinCDN can only serve cached files until caches expire. 

Deploy your distribution 

Once settings are complete, Create Distribution screen will look like below. Double-check to make sure all is set correctly and click Create Distribution button to save settings.


Your first distribution is now created. You can list your distributions by clicking Distributions in the left navigation sidebar. Yellow icon next to it indicates that the distribution is still being processed. Give it a couple of minutes and the icon will turn to green to indicate that is all set.

Select your distribution to proceed with configurations.


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