Create Content - VMS Panel

Content creation and upload processes can be easily performed through the Merlin OTT Suite VMS panel.To initiate the content upload process, first, navigate to the Contents menu and click the Create button.While creating content, Name and Content Type are mandatory fields, while other fields are optional.


NAME: This is the field where the name of the content is entered.

CONTENT TYPE:If your content includes both audio and video, choose the VIDEO_AUDIO option.If your content includes only audio, select the AUDIO option.

REFERENCE ID: This is an optional field used for integration with other systems (e.g., CMS).

DESCRIPTION: A field where you can add a description of the content.

Content Upload Methods

After the content is created, the upload process can be performed through one of the following three methods available in the opened menu:

  1. Default:

    • Only one file can be selected for the encoding process.
    • The uploaded or URL-provided content will be encoded according to the video template, and the output URL will be created for distribution via the CDN.
  2. Only Packaging:

    • This method skips the encoding process and only packages the content for CDN upload.
    • You can select multiple files and perform import operations.
  3. Multi-Audio:

    • Use this option if your content contains multiple audio files.

File Upload Options:

  • Upload via URL:

    • You can define the URL of the file you want to upload in the File URL You Want to Upload field.

  • Manual Upload:

    • Click the Click or Drag Files to This Area to Upload field to select and upload files from your system.

Template Selection:

After the upload process, you need to select an appropriate Template for each content:

  • You can continue the upload process by selecting a previously created template.
  • If you have not created a template, refer to the article titled How to Set Up a Template?

Once the upload is complete, the content is queued.
You can easily track the overall status of the uploaded content through the Content menu. For more detailed steps, process durations, and error statuses, you can use the Logs section.

For more information on other content upload methods, follow the guidelines below:

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