Adding Ad Slots: The Key to Monetization

The last and most crucial step in creating a schedule is adding ad slots. This feature enables the insertion of SCTE-35 ad markers into the stream, allowing any Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) service to monetize the channel effectively.



There are three types of ad slots available:

  1. Every Hour: Select this option to automatically insert ads at regular hourly intervals for the defined periods.ERSTREAM_FAST_TV_USER_DOC.pdf-image-016.png
  2. Custom: This option allows you to define specific dates and periods for ad insertion, giving you complete control over when ads are placed.ERSTREAM_FAST_TV_USER_DOC.pdf-image-017.png
  3. Between Contents: Choose this to insert ads between each piece of content, ensuring maximum exposure and monetization opportunities.ERSTREAM_FAST_TV_USER_DOC.pdf-image-018.png

    In the Ad Slot Type area, simply select the type that suits your needs and fill in the required fields. You can choose more than one ad slot type for the same schedule, providing flexibility and precision in your ad strategy. The ads you schedule will be automatically inserted via Erstream's Google Dynamic Ad Insertion service, DAION, ensuring seamless and effective monetization.
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