Network Protocol Options

You can configure the protocol you want MerlinCDN to use when accessing your origin server(s).

To access Add or Edit Origin section, follow the steps outlined in Add Origin article.

On Protocol Options select from the options explained below by expanding the dropdown list.




  • Match: MerlinCDN will match the protocol of the end-user requests when redirecting to your origin. MerlinCDN will use either HTTP or HTTPS depending on the protocol that it receives the request from your end-users. For HTTPS requests, domain names in the SSL certificate must match with domain name specified for your MerlinCDN distribution. Protocols do not affect the caching in MerlinCDN as content will be cached only once even if end users request it using both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
  • HTTP: MerlinCDN will use HTTP only when connecting to the origin. It is important to select HTTP for the servers/endpoints that do not support HTTPS. It does not prevent MerlinCDN to require your end-users to request content on your distributions via HTTPS as long as SSL certificate, domain name and CNAME are configured for the distribution.
  • HTTPS: MerlinCDN will use HTTPs only when connecting to the origin.
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