You can specify custom error pages and error page rules for your distributions to configure MerlinCDN to respond to requests using a custom error page when your Origin server returns an HTTP 4xx or HTTP 5xx status code.
To manage custom error pages; follow the steps outlined below:
Log in to MerlinCDN Management Panel.
In the left navigation sidebar, click Distributions. Select the distribution you want to manage restrictions.
- Click on the Error Page Rules tab.
- Click on Create Custom Error Page Rule.
Create a Custom Error Page Rule
On the pop-up screen; you can create custom error pages with a custom cache TTL depending on HTTP error code.
- HTTP Error Code: Select the HTTP status code for which you want MerlinCDN to return a custom error response to the viewer.
- Error Caching TTL: The minimum amount of time (in seconds) that you want MerlinCDN to cache an error response before forwarding another request to your origin.
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