Once you create a workspace, clicking Workspace in the left navigation sidebar opens the Workspaces page where a can access the list of your workspaces including Assigned Workspaces and Organization Settings tabs.
If you need to add more workspaces, use the Create Workspace button and follow the steps explained in the Create a Workspace section.
Assigned Workspaces
On this tab, you can access the list of your Workspaces, both the ones you created and the ones you are assigned to.
On the last column of the table, you can perform actions related to the selected workspace such as Respond to Invitations, Manage or Leave Workspace.
If someone invited you to a Workspace, click Respond to Invitation and proced with your selection on the next screen as shown below.
Organization Settings
On this tab, you can access the settings for your organization. MerlinCDN automatically creates an Organization
You can enable Support Access for the members of your organization in this section.
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