
MerlinCDN provides detailed information in order to control and boost your organization’s performance. You can access Bandwith, Traffic, Requests, and Cache Status statistics for your distributions directly from MerlinCDN Management Panel. 

To access the Statistics section; follow the steps outlined below:

Log in to MerlinCDN Management Panel.

In the left navigation sidebar, click Statistics.


You can filter Statistics based on:


  • Distribution: You can view statistics logs for all distributions or select one from the dropdown menu to sort results. 
  • Zone: You can view statistics from all MerlinCDN Zones used in your distributions or select one from the dropdown menu to sort results. 
  • Interval: The dashboard shows statistics for the last 24 Hours by default. You can set a custom interval by clicking Interval to expand the calendar to set a date range.  

Statistics are provided in charts and graphs for four metrics as explained below.  


The bandwidth graph shows the maximum data transfer rate according to the time. You may see more specific information by hovering the mouse pointer on the graph. 


You may see the peak bandwidth and peak time belong to the chosen interval. The number of files served from MerlinCDN caches can be seen also by hovering the mouse pointer on the graph.



On this page, you can reach traffic information for all distributions or specific to your selection. You may see detailed information by hovering the mouse pointer on the graph. 


Right under the graph, you may see total traffic, peak traffic, and peak time data. You may see the total count of cached and non-cached responses by hovering the mouse pointer on the graph. 



The requests graph shows the number of requests that your distribution gets over time.


Below that, you may see the total requests, peak requests per second, and peak time info. 

You may also see the total count for cached or non-cached responses and HTTP status codes by hovering the mouse pointer on the graph. 



On this page, you may get a full grip on the cache status in MerlinCDN responses over time

The Hits/Misses graph shows your organization’s hits/misses count and ratios. Topline represents the total request count.  

You may see the number of hits and misses for a specific time by hovering the mouse pointer on the graph.  


Right under the graph, you may see the total requests count. Also, you can see the total hit-and-miss ratios on the chart. You may also see the HIT / MISS ratio and the total count for each by hovering the mouse pointer on the graph. 


MerlinCDN also allows you to access detailed statistics about the end-user requests to your distributions.


On this page, you can display your visitors’ countries.


You can also see the total count of requests for each country and the country-based ranking in this section.



On this page, you can display the devices that your visitors use to reach your organization’s website.

You can also see the total count of requests from each device type and the device-based ranking in this section.


Operating Systems

On this page, you can display the operating systems that your visitors use while reaching your organization’s website.

You can also see the total count of requests from each operating system and the OS-based ranking in this section.



On this page, you can display the browsers that your visitors use while reaching your organization’s website.

You can also see the total count of requests from each browser and the browser-based ranking in this section.


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